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Zeige 61 bis 72 (von insgesamt 82 Artikeln)
The Idea of Communism 2. The New York Conference
The first volume of The Idea of Communism followed the 2009 London conference called in response to Alain Badiou’s ‘communist hypothesis’, where an all-star cast of radical intellectuals put the idea of communism back on the map. This volume brings together papers from the subsequent 2011 New York conference organized by Verso and continues this critical discussion, ...

Autor*innen: Slavoj Zizek (Editor)

19,00 EUR
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The Invention of Terrorism in Europe, Russia, and the United States
The Invention of Terrorism examines key cases of terrorist violence to show that the invention of terrorism was linked to the birth of modernity in Europe, Russia and the United States, rather than to Tsarist despotism in nineteenth century Russia or to Islam sects in Medieval Persia. Combining a highly readable historical narrative with analysis of larger issues in social and political ...

Autor*innen: Carola Dietze

29,90 EUR
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The Invention of the White Race. The Origin of Racial Oppression
When the first Africans arrived in Virginia in 1619, there were no “white” people there. Nor, according to colonial records, would there be for another sixty years. In this seminal two-volume work, The Invention of the White Race, Theodore W. Allen tells the story of how America’s ruling classes created the category of the “white race” as a means of social control. Since that early ...

Autor*innen: Theodore W. Allen

24,50 EUR
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The Next Revolution. Popular Assemblies and the Promise of Direct Democracy
From Athens to New York, recent mass movements around the world have challenged austerity and authoritarianism with expressions of real democracy. For more than forty years, Murray Bookchin developed these democratic aspirations into a new left politics based on popular assemblies, influencing a wide range of political thinkers and social movements. With a foreword by the best-selling ...

Autor*innen: Murray Bookchin

21,90 EUR
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The Origin of Capitalism. A Longer View
In The Origin of Capitalism, a now-classic work of history, Ellen Meiksins Wood offers readers a clear and accessible introduction to the theories and debates concerning the birth of capitalism, imperialism, and the modern nation state. Capitalism is not a natural and inevitable consequence of human nature, nor simply an extension of age-old practices of trade and commerce. Rather, it is ...

Autor*innen: Ellen Meiksins Wood

16,50 EUR
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The Rebirth of History. Times of Riots and Uprisings
In the uprisings of the Arab world, Alain Badiou discerns echoes of the European revolutions of 1848. In both cases, the object was to overthrow despotic regimes maintained by the great powers-regimes designed to impose the will of financial oligarchies. Both events occurred after what was commonly thought to be the end of a revolutionary epoch: in 1815, the final defeat of ...

Autor*innen: Alain Badiou

16,50 EUR
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The red Years. Theory, Politics, and Aesthetics in the Japanese 68
The story of Japan’s forgotten radical 1968 The analysis of May ’68 in Paris, Berkeley, and the Western world has been widely reconsidered. But 1968 is not only a year that conjures up images of Paris, Frankfurt, or Milan: it was also the pivotal year for a new anti-colonial and anti-capitalist politics to erupt across the Third World, a crucial and central moment in the history, ...

Autor*innen: Gavin Walker (Editor)

24,50 EUR
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The Unseen
For a brief explosive period in the mid-1970s, the young and the unemployed of Italy’s cities joined the workers in an unexpectedly militant movement known simply as Autonomy (Autonomia). Its “politics of refusal” united its opponents behind draconian measures more severe than any seen since the war. Nanni Balestrini, the poet of youth rebellion, himself a victim of that ...

Autor*innen: Nanni Balestrini

22,50 EUR
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The US Antifascism Reader
Since the birth of fascism in the 1920s, well before the global renaissance of “white nationalism, ” the United States has been home to its own distinct fascist movements, some of which decisively influenced the course of US history. Yet long before Antifa became a household word in the United States, they were met, time and again, by an equally deep antifascist current. Many on the left ...

Autor*innen: Bill V. Mullen; Christopher Vials

19,50 EUR
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The Village against the World
One hundred kilometres from Seville lies the small village of Marinaleda, which for the last thirty-five years has been the centre of a tireless struggle to create a living utopia. This unique community drew British author Dan Hancox to Spain, and here for the first time he recounts the fascinating story of villagers who expropriated the land owned by wealthy aristocrats and ...

Autor*innen: Dan Hancox

23,50 EUR
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They Cant Represent Us! Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy
Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy How the new global movements are putting forward a radical conception of democracy. Mass protest movements in disparate places such as Greece, Argentina, and the United States ultimately share an agenda - to raise the question of what democracy should mean. These horizontalist movements, including Occupy, exercise and claim ...

Autor*innen: Dario Azzellini; Marina Sitrin (Editor)

14,00 EUR
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Tomorrow Sex will be Good again. Women and Desire in the Age of Consent
A provocative, elegantly written analysis of female desire, consent, and sexuality in the age of MeToo Women are in a bind. In the name of consent and empowerment, they must proclaim their desires clearly and confidently. Yet sex researchers suggest that women’s desire is often slow to emerge. And men are keen to insist that they know what women - and their bodies - want. Meanwhile, ...

Autor*innen: Katherine Angel

15,00 EUR
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Zeige 61 bis 72 (von insgesamt 82 Artikeln)