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Zeige 49 bis 60 (von insgesamt 77 Artikeln)
The Black Romantic Revolution. Abolitionist Poets at the End of Slavery
During the pitched battle over slavery in the United States, Black writers - enslaved and free - allied themselves with the cause of abolition and used their art to advocate for emancipation and to envision the end of slavery as a world-historical moment of possibility. These Black writers borrowed from the European tradition of Romanticism - lyric poetry, prophetic visions - to ...

Autor*innen: Matt Sandler

15,50 EUR
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The Ego and His Own. The Case of the Individual Against Authorit
The Case of the Individual Against Authority The Ego and His Own, the seminal defence of individualism, coloured the thinking of Friedrich Nietzsche, Max Ernst, Henrik Ibsen and Victor Serge, among many others, some of whom would vigorously deny any such influence in later years. Less reticent was Marcel Duchamp, who described Max Stirner as the philosopher most important to ...

Autor*innen: Max Stirner

15,00 EUR
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The End of Policing
Recent years have seen an explosion of protest against police brutality and repression. Among activists, journalists and politicians, the conversation about how to respond and improve policing has focused on accountability, diversity, training, and community relations. Unfortunately, these reforms will not produce results, either alone or in combination. The core of the problem must be ...

Autor*innen: Alex S. Vitale

15,50 EUR
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The Enemy Within. The Secret War Against the Miners
The Secret War Against the Miners Margaret Thatcher branded the leaders of the 1984–85 miners' strike “the enemy within.” In this classic account, Seumas Milne reveals the astonishing lengths to which her government and its intelligence machine were prepared to go to destroy the power of Britain’s miners’ union. In this 30th anniversary edition new material brings the ...

Autor*innen: Seumas Milne

15,90 EUR
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The Feminist and The Sex Offender. Confronting Sexual Harm, Ending State Violence
In the era of #MeToo and mass incarceration, The Feminist and the Sex Offender makes a powerful feminist case for accountability without punishment and sexual safety and pleasure without injustice. With analytical clarity and narrative force, The Feminist and the Sex Offender contends with two problems that are typically siloed in the era of #MeToo and mass incarceration: sexual and ...

Autor*innen: Judith Levine; Erica R. Meiners

16,50 EUR
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The Great Adaptation. Climate, Capitalism and Catastrophe
How capitalism wants us to adapt to climate change rather than stop it The Great Adaptation tells the story of how scientists, governments and corporations have tried to deal with the challenge that climate change poses to capitalism by promoting adaptation to its consequences, rather than combating its causes. Since the 1970s, neoliberal economists and ideologues have used climate ...

Autor*innen: Romain Felli

15,00 EUR
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The Idea of Communism 1
Responding to Alain Badiou’s ‘communist hypothesis’, the leading political philosophers of the Left convened in London in 2009 to take part in a landmark conference to discuss the perpetual, persistent notion that, in a truly emancipated society, all things should be owned in common. This volume brings together their discussions on the philosophical and political import of the ...

Autor*innen: Costas Douzinas; Slavoj Zizek (Editor)

19,00 EUR
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The Idea of Communism 2. The New York Conference
The first volume of The Idea of Communism followed the 2009 London conference called in response to Alain Badiou’s ‘communist hypothesis’, where an all-star cast of radical intellectuals put the idea of communism back on the map. This volume brings together papers from the subsequent 2011 New York conference organized by Verso and continues this critical discussion, ...

Autor*innen: Slavoj Zizek (Editor)

19,00 EUR
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The Invention of Terrorism in Europe, Russia, and the United States
The Invention of Terrorism examines key cases of terrorist violence to show that the invention of terrorism was linked to the birth of modernity in Europe, Russia and the United States, rather than to Tsarist despotism in nineteenth century Russia or to Islam sects in Medieval Persia. Combining a highly readable historical narrative with analysis of larger issues in social and political ...

Autor*innen: Carola Dietze

29,90 EUR
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The Invention of the White Race. The Origin of Racial Oppression
When the first Africans arrived in Virginia in 1619, there were no “white” people there. Nor, according to colonial records, would there be for another sixty years. In this seminal two-volume work, The Invention of the White Race, Theodore W. Allen tells the story of how America’s ruling classes created the category of the “white race” as a means of social control. Since that early ...

Autor*innen: Theodore W. Allen

24,50 EUR
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The Next Revolution. Popular Assemblies and the Promise of Direct Democracy
From Athens to New York, recent mass movements around the world have challenged austerity and authoritarianism with expressions of real democracy. For more than forty years, Murray Bookchin developed these democratic aspirations into a new left politics based on popular assemblies, influencing a wide range of political thinkers and social movements. With a foreword by the best-selling ...

Autor*innen: Murray Bookchin

21,90 EUR
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The Origin of Capitalism. A Longer View
In The Origin of Capitalism, a now-classic work of history, Ellen Meiksins Wood offers readers a clear and accessible introduction to the theories and debates concerning the birth of capitalism, imperialism, and the modern nation state. Capitalism is not a natural and inevitable consequence of human nature, nor simply an extension of age-old practices of trade and commerce. Rather, it is ...

Autor*innen: Ellen Meiksins Wood

16,50 EUR
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Zeige 49 bis 60 (von insgesamt 77 Artikeln)