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Zeige 37 bis 48 (von insgesamt 81 Artikeln)
Prisoners of the American Dream:Politics and Economy in the History of the US Working Class
Prisoners of the American Dream is Mike Davis’s brilliant exegesis of a persistent and major analytical problem for Marxist historians and political economists: Why has the world’s most industrially advanced nation never spawned a mass party of the working class? This series of essays surveys the history of the American bourgeois democratic revolution from its Jacksonian ...

Autor*innen: Mike Davis

16,50 EUR
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Radical Technologies. The Design of Everyday Life
A field manual to the technologies that are changing our lives Everywhere we turn, a startling new device promises to transfigure our lives. But at what cost? In this urgent and revelatory excavation of our Information Age, leading technology thinker Adam Greenfield forces us to reconsider our relationship with the networked objects, services and spaces that define us. It is time to ...

Autor*innen: Adam Greenfield

16,50 EUR
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Rebel Cities. From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution
Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution Long before Occupy, cities were the subject of much utopian thinking. They are the centers of capital accumulation as well as of revolutionary politics, where deeper currents of social and political change rise to the surface. Do the financiers and developers control access to urban resources or do the people? ...

Autor*innen: David Harvey

16,50 EUR
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Red Rosa. A Graphic Biography of Rosa Luxemburg
A giant of the political left, Rosa Luxemburg is one of the foremost minds in the canon of revolutionary socialist thought. But she was much more than just a thinker. She made herself heard in a world inimical to the voices of strong-willed women. She overcame physical infirmity and the prejudice she faced as a Jew to become an active revolutionary whose philosophy enriched ...

Autor*innen: Kate Evans

13,00 EUR
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Redemption and Utopia:Jewish Libertarian Thought in Central Europe
Towards the end of the nineteenth century, there appeared in Central Europe a generation of Jewish intellectuals whose work was to transform modern culture. Drawing at once on the traditions of German Romanticism and Jewish messianism, their thought was organized around the cabalistic idea of the “tikkoun”: redemption. Redemption and Utopia uses the concept of “elective ...

Autor*innen: Michael Löwy

21,00 EUR
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Revolutionary Yiddishland. A History of Jewish Radicalism
Jewish radicals manned the barricades on the avenues of Petrograd and the alleys of the Warsaw ghetto; they were in the vanguard of those resisting Franco and the Nazis. They originated in Yiddishland, a vast expanse of Eastern Europe that, before the Holocaust, ran from the Baltic Sea to the western edge of Russia and incorporated hundreds of Jewish communities with a combined ...

Autor*innen: Alain Brossat; Sylvia Klingberg

16,50 EUR
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Riot. Strike. Riot:The New Era of Uprisings
Baltimore. Ferguson. Tottenham. Clichy-sous-Bois. Oakland. Ours has become an “age of riots” as the struggle of people versus state and capital has taken to the streets. Award-winning poet and scholar Joshua Clover offers a new understanding of this present moment and its history. Rioting was the central form of protest in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, yet it was ...

Autor*innen: Joshua Clover

14,50 EUR
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Seizing freedom. Slave Emancipation and Liberty for All
Forceful and detailed account of the struggle for “freedom” after the American Civil War How did America recover after its years of civil war? How did freed men and women, former slaves, respond to their newly won freedom? David Roediger’s radical new history redefines the idea of freedom after the jubilee, using fresh sources and texts to build on the leading historical accounts of ...

Autor*innen: David Roediger

14,00 EUR
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Set the Night on Fire. L.A. in the Sixties
Los Angeles in the sixties was a hotbed of political and social upheaval. The city was a launchpad for Black Power—where Malcolm X and Angela Davis first came to prominence and the Watts uprising shook the nation. The city was home to the Chicano Blowouts and Chicano Moratorium, as well as being the birthplace of “Asian American” as a political identity. It was a locus of the antiwar ...

Autor*innen: Mike Davis; Jon Wiener

25,00 EUR
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State, Power, Socialism
In State, Power, Socialism, the leading theorist of the state and European communism advances a vigorous critique of contemporary Marxist theories of the state. Arguing against a general theory of the state, Poulantzas identifies forms of class power crucial to socialist strategy that go beyond the state apparatus. Book, 272 pages

Autor*innen: Nicos Poulantzas

13,50 EUR
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Straight Sex. Rethinking the Politics of Pleasure
Is heterosexual sex inherently damaging to women? This is the central question of Straight Sex, Lynne Segal’s account of twentyfive years of feminist thinking on sexuality. Covering the thought of sixties-era sexual liberationists, alongside the ensuing passionate debates over sex and love within feminist and lesbian communities, Segal covers certain shifts toward greater ...

Autor*innen: Lynne Segal

14,00 EUR
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Strike Art. Contemporary Art and the Post-Occupy Condition
What is the relation of art to the practice of radical politics today? Strike Art explores this question through the historical lens of Occupy, an event that had artists at its core. Precarious, indebted, and radicalized, artists redirected their creativity from servicing the artworld into an expanded field of organizing in order to construct of a new—if internally fraught—political ...

Autor*innen: Yates McKee

15,50 EUR
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Zeige 37 bis 48 (von insgesamt 81 Artikeln)