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Jeunesse Apatride - Larmes aux poings

Jeunesse Apatride - Larmes aux poings
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Fire and Flames records
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    There isnt too much we can say anymore about this band. Great people, great music, great politics, and a great joy of ours to finally present to you their third full length album! 13 new tracks of Melodic female fronted streetpunk/oi, incredible vocals, driving guitars, anthemic rythms, and and and....

    1. Hochelaga
    2. Clochers
    3. Souvenirs du passé
    4. Jadis
    5. Entre les murs
    6. Equality
    7. Coeur de la ville
    8. La fin d'une Époque
    9. Dragon de fer
    10. Contrôle
    11. Terre d'accueil
    12. Larmes aux poings
    13. Pour rien


    "In the united states
    Clinics are exploding
    Climate of terror
    Created by the pro-life ctivists
    Quebec-Vie and masculinists
    These groups existe here too
    "Work, family, homeland"
    They want to control your life

    Your body, the battlefield
    Will it ever breathe free?
    in this opressed world
    Where patriarchy is strongly rooted
    All these bleeding women
    Because they have chosen to revolt
    Your body, your choice
    Should be granted right

    Against abortion
    And contraception
    To them you are only good
    To be a servant and make babies
    Fundamentalists of all kind
    Your religion becomes oppression
    Denigration of women
    No matter which temple

    Physical violence
    Or psychological violence
    So many ways
    To keep you in submission
    Montreal 2008
    Another women is killed
    Rwanda 94
    How many women were raped?"