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Zeige 25 bis 33 (von insgesamt 33 Artikeln)
Statism and Anarchy
Statism and Anarchy is a translation of the last work by the great Russian anarchist Michael Bakunin. It was written in 1873, in the aftermath of the rise of the German Empire and the clash between Bakunin and Karl Marx in the first International. Bakunin assesses the strength of a European state system dominated by Bismarck. Then, in the most remarkable part of the book, he assails the ...

Autor*innen: Mikhail Bakunin

10,00 EUR
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The Angry Brigade 1967-1984. Documents and Chronology
The Angry Brigade was an armed libertarian-communist militia in Britain in the '1970's. Influenced by anarchism and the Situationists, the Angry Brigade carried out property attacks on banks, embassies and the homes of MPs. Their trial was one of the longest criminal trials in English history. This zine collects the communiques and timeline of the Angry Brigade, and is a ...
3,00 EUR
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The Balkan Anarchist Network
Buch über das anarchistische Netzwerk am Balkan mit Beiträgen in verschiedensten Sprachen. Book, 224 pages

Autor*innen: Antipolitika

6,00 EUR
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The Counter-Economy: Experiments of the Anarchist Movement
An examination of anarchist solidarity during and after the economic crisis in Slovenia 'culminated in the uprisings in the winter of 2012/13. A general social upheaval was triggered by processes of neoliberal devastation deeply linked to the problems of precarity and precarization, new instances and forms of poverty, and a significant reduction in social rights for large parts of ...

Autor*innen: SISA

3,00 EUR
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The Dossier of Subject No 1218. A Bulgarian Anarchist`s Story
Of the few who managed to survive the horrors of Bulgaria’s Stalinist concentration camps, Alexander Nakov is possibly the most representative of the older generation of active and committed anarchists. Initially reluctant to write his memoirs, Alexander was eventually persuaded by friends that his story needed to be told. And by telling that story, he now remains a vital link ...

Autor*innen: Alexander Nakov

8,00 EUR
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The housing monster
The Housing Monster is a scathing illustrated essay that takes one seemingly simple, everyday thing—a house—and looks at the social relations that surround it. Moving from intensely personal thoughts and interactions to large-scale political and economic forces, it reads alternately like a worker’s diary, a short story, a psychology of everyday life, a historical ...

Autor*innen: prole.info

9,00 EUR
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The Idea. Anarchist Communism: Past, Present and Future
Anarchist communism often hides in the shadows in the general works on anarchism available, only clearly emerging when the ideas of Kropotkin, Reclus and Malatesta are discussed. All too often, apart from the worthless speculations on various philosophers outside of the historic anarchist movement, anarchist communism is rejected as a poor relation to the mass movements launched by ...

Autor*innen: Nick Heath

19,00 EUR
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The Worlds Most Dangerous Woman. A New Biography of Emma Goldman
A new Biography of Emma Goldman In this new Biography the authors have scored previously ignored private papers in europe an the U.S. as well as a wealth of indigenous resources long unknown or undervalued by anarchists and feminists. The result is virtually a fresh interpretation of Goldman's influential and troubled life and a valuable piece of social history. Book, 222 pages ...

Autor*innen: Moritz Albert; Theresa Albert

27,00 EUR
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Women`s Voices from the Spanish Civil War
Perhaps more than any other war in the twentieth century, the Spanish Civil War was seen as a 'writers' war' - names such as Hemingway and Orwell spring to mind. But the women who went to Spain and wrote about it have often been forgotten. This anthology is part of efforts to redress the balance. It includes writing by women from Britain, the United States, Australia and New Zealand - ...

Autor*innen: Jim Fyrth; Sally Alexander (Editor)

24,90 EUR
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