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Carlo Cafiero
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11,00 EUR
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    Carlo Cafiero (1846 - 1892) is undoubtedly one of the most important figures of the First International both in Italy, his home country, and in general throughout Europe. But this mild-mannered anarchist is all too often remembered only for some of the curious episodes in his life (his participation in the Benevento uprising, his "gift" of La Baronata to Bakunin and anarchist revolutionaries), rather than for his ideas and the enormous influence he had on the early socialist movement in Italy.

    This book brings what is certainly Cafiero's most complete, original work to English-speaking audiences for the first time. It is also an extremely important work in that it is one of the earliest attempts at compiling a complete theoretical view of the revolutionary ideal of anarchist communism.

    Book, 88 pages

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