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Zeige 1 bis 12 (von insgesamt 24 Artikeln)
A Primer on Anarchist Geography. From Neoliberal Damnation to total Liberation
Anarchism is a gathering wilderness that continually defies the confusions and contradictions of capitalism and its current incarnation as neoliberalism. Rooting itself in the tiny forgotten cracks of our fractured order, anarchism heaves open spaces of resistance and rebellion with the energy of a thousand suns. It is the strength that comes when we recognise the beauty of our own lives ...

Autor*innen: Simon Springer

15,00 EUR
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Anarchism - Arguments for and Against
First published in 1981, Anarchism: Arguments for and against is the most reprinted of Albert’s writings. The roots of this text lie in this 1968 pamphlet Aims and principles of Anarchism: an essay at defining what the Anarchist Movement is and how wide a field it covers, the book he co-wrote with Stuart Christie The Floodgates of Anarchy (published in 1970) and a series of ...

Autor*innen: Albert Meltzer

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Anarchy and Polyamory
Anarchism & Polyamory is a collection of essays and articles, many new (but a few oldies), designed to be accessible to those new to both anarchism and polyamory. It is examines personal and sexual relationships through the prism of anarchism, including considering some common pitfalls and how society’s hierarchies are reinforced in personal relationships. The authors are ...

Autor*innen: Dysophia 1

4,00 EUR
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Beasts of Burden. Capitalism, Animals and Communism
Beasts of Burden was first published in October 1999. The aim of the anonymous pamphlet was to initiate a debate between animal liberationists and revolutionaries – anarchists and communists (the author uses the term ‘communist’ repeatedly and means communism in its original sense: a stateless and classless society where people live together and ‘the free ...
3,50 EUR
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Chav Solidarity
To the political left Hunter's people are the ignorant and the ill informed, to the victorious right they are the unwashed and discarded waste product of the labouring class. Chav Solidarity is part autobiography, part meditation on trauma, class and identity, part one finger salute into the face of respectability politics, but mostly an articulation of the contradictory heart of ...

Autor*innen: D. Hunter

12,50 EUR
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Errico Malatesta
Malatesta is the direct link between the demise of the First International in 1871 and the struggle against European fascism that started some forty years later. After the ruckus between Marx and Bakunin catalysed the separate development of revolutionary socialist organisations, he joined both the anarchist Federalist International and its Italian section. Spending long stretches of ...
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Living My Life. Volume 1
Anarchist, journalist, drama critic, advocate of birth control and free love, Emma Goldman was the most famous - and notorious - woman in the early twentieth century. This abridged version of her two-volume autobiography takes her from her birthplace in czarist Russia to the socialist enclaves of Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Against a dramatic backdrop of political argument, show trials, ...

Autor*innen: Emma Goldman

10,00 EUR
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Living My Life. Volume 1 - 3 (complete)
Anarchist, journalist, drama critic, advocate of birth control and free love, Emma Goldman was the most famous - and notorious - woman in the early twentieth century. This abridged version of her two-volume autobiography takes her from her birthplace in czarist Russia to the socialist enclaves of Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Against a dramatic backdrop of political argument, show trials, ...

Autor*innen: Emma Goldman

26,00 EUR
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Living My Life. Volume 2
Anarchist, journalist, drama critic, advocate of birth control and free love, Emma Goldman was the most famous - and notorious - woman in the early twentieth century. This abridged version of her two-volume autobiography takes her from her birthplace in czarist Russia to the socialist enclaves of Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Against a dramatic backdrop of political argument, show trials, ...

Autor*innen: Emma Goldman

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Living My Life. Volume 3
Anarchist, journalist, drama critic, advocate of birth control and free love, Emma Goldman was the most famous - and notorious - woman in the early twentieth century. This abridged version of her two-volume autobiography takes her from her birthplace in czarist Russia to the socialist enclaves of Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Against a dramatic backdrop of political argument, show trials, ...

Autor*innen: Emma Goldman

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Lucy Parsons
In 1900 a Republican-leaning US local broadsheet crowned Lucy Parsons an anarchist queen. The widow of Albert Parsons, she never played second fiddle to Albert nor stood in his shadow. She was a talented writer, orator and organiser. Text by Ruth Kinna and cover art is by Clifford Harper. Agitate, Educate, Organise! Pocketbook, 24 pages

Autor*innen: Ruth Kinna, Clifford Harper

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Max Stirner
“Born Johann Kaspar Schmidt in Beyreuth in 1806, Stirner is one of the most controversial anarchists, by turns celebrated as the seminal anarchist theorist and marginalised as a political philosopher only tangentially related to the anarchist movement.” So begins the text by Ruth Kinna and cover art is by Clifford Harper. These short introductions delve into the anarchist ...
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