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(Antiquariat) Granny made me an anarchist
General Franco, The Angry Brigade and Me Stuart Christie became Britain's most famous anarchist in 1964 when he was arrested for smuggling explosives in a plot to assassinate Spanish dictator, Francisco Franco. Charged with "Banditry and Terrorism," he served three years of his twenty-year sentence before international pressure (from Bertrand Russell and Jean Paul Sartre among many ...

Autor*innen: Stuart Christie

10,00 EUR
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A History of the French Anarchist Movement, 1917-1945
A History of the French Anarchist Movement, 1917 to 1945 David Berry's study is the first English-language evaluation of the development and lessons of the French anarchist movement between the wars. Using an impressive array of archival sources and personal interviews, Berry's original research explores the debates and growing pains of a massive, working-class, revolutionary ...

Autor*innen: David Berry

21,00 EUR
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Black Bloc - White Riot. Antiglobalization and the Genealogy of Dissent
With a title that's a modern-day mash-up of Frantz Fanon and The Clash, Black Bloc, White Riot revisits the struggles against globalization that marked the beginning of the twenty-first century and explores the connection between political violence and the white middle class. Beginning with an account of the political trajectory of the white middle class through the first ...

Autor*innen: AK Thompson (Editor)

16,50 EUR
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Carlo Tresca. Portrait of a Rebel
Portrait of a Rebel Arriving in America in 1904, Carlo Tresca began a nearly forty-year stretch as an active revolutionary. Nunzio Pernicone's definitive biography chronicles Tresca's larger-than-life personality, his revolutionary apprenticeship in Sulmona, Italy, and his subsequent career as fighter for liberty until his untimely death in 1943. The story of his life - as ...

Autor*innen: Nunzio Pernicone

18,50 EUR
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Facing the Enemy. A History of Anarchist Organization From Proudhon To May 1968
A history of anarchist organisation from Proudhon to May 1968 The finest single volume history of European anarchism is finally available in English in Paul Sharkey's elegant translation. Drawing on decades of research, Alexandre Skirda traces anarchism as a major political movement and ideology across the 19th and 20th centuries. Critical and engaged, he offers biting and ...

Autor*innen: Alexandre Skirda

18,00 EUR
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Details 1 x 'Facing the Enemy. A History of Anarchist Organization From Proudhon To May 1968' bestellen
Five Years in the Warsaw Ghetto
...here is a true story of mind-boggling feats of courage and hairbreadth escapes, of battling overwhelming evil against insurmountable odds. Here is a chance to rediscover the meaning of probably the most debased and emptied-out words in the English language: heroism. The story of the Warsaw ghetto is one of the most heartbreaking and tragic in all of recorded history. Bernard ...

Autor*innen: Bernard Goldstein

19,00 EUR
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For Worker`s Power
Reading the ideas of Maurice Brinton for the first time proves discomforting to most - and downright insufferable to many. The most prolific contributor to the British Solidarity Group (1961-1992), he sought to inspire a mass movement based on libertarian socialist politics. Attempting to blow away the bad air of the "Old" and "New" Left alike, Brinton used the past as a guide - but ...

Autor*innen: Maurice Brinton

22,00 EUR
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Italian Anarchism 1864-1892
From the First International to the 1872 Anti-Authoritarian International, from government suppression and anarchist insurrection to Errico Malatesta's prominent role in resurrecting the anarchist movement, Nunzio Pernicone's Italian Anarchism provides a critical examination of early anarchist practices across three decades of Italian history. Nurtured by Michael Bakunin, ...

Autor*innen: Nunzio Pernicone

21,00 EUR
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Living anarchism. Jose Peirats and the Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalist Movement
A  study of one man and a collective biography of the working class into which he was born. The story of José Peirats shows the human foundations of Spanish anarchism, the ties of friendship and community that cemented the largest anti-authoritarian movement in the world. “In his biography of Pierats - anarchist, autodidact, brick maker and historian - Chris Ealham presents us ...

Autor*innen: Chris Ealham

17,00 EUR
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Details 1 x 'Living anarchism. Jose Peirats and the Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalist Movement' bestellen
Monkeywrenching the new world order (CD)
Global capitalism and its discontens Robin Hahnel (Contributor), Craig O'Hara (Contributor), Norman Solomon (Contributor), Michael Albert (Contributor), Christian Parenti (Contributor), Chris Crass (Contributor), Vandana Shiva (Contributor), Alexander Cockburn (Contributor), Ward Churchill (Contributor), Howard Zinn (Contributor), and Noam Chomsky (Contributor) When tens of ...

Autor*innen: Noam Chomsky u.a.

14,90 EUR
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Moving forward. Program for a Participatory Economy
Program for a participatory economy If not capitalism, then what? Something's not working here, and it's pretty clear what's wrong. But there's a dearth of material on what could be right - and more important, how to do it. Albert breaks through the stranglehold on this debate and lays out the vision and strategy for his revolutionary "participatory economy" idea. He argues that ...

Autor*innen: Michael Albert

12,00 EUR
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Nowtopia. How Pirate Programmers, Outlaw Bicyclists, and Vacant-Lot Gardeners are Inventing the Future Today!
How Pirate Programmers, Outlaw Bicyclists, and Vacant-lot Gardeners are Inventing the Future Today Outlaw bicycling, urban permaculture, biofuels, free software, and even the Burning Man festival are windows into a scarcely visible social transformation that is redefining politics as we know it. As capitalism continues to corral every square inch of the globe into its logic of ...

Autor*innen: Chris Carlsson

17,50 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Details 1 x 'Nowtopia. How Pirate Programmers, Outlaw Bicyclists, and Vacant-Lot Gardeners are Inventing the Future Today!' bestellen
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